I have always enjoyed reading Steve Allman’s posts on LinkedIn – very much no nonsense, make a lot of sense, and very relatable. And a good sense of humour!

I booked a one-off session with Steve to get an idea of what it would be like to work with a coach, not expecting (if I’m honest) to get much out of one session. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I got so much out of it in ways that I really wasn’t expecting.

Right away Steve was able to get a good picture of where I was at professionally, and when he fed back what he was hearing it was a real eye opener for me, allowing me to take away some important points for reflection. I would recommend even just one session with Steve, as it was something that (even many weeks later) I am still reflecting on, and using to help me make decisions about my professional next steps.

Emma Collins, Head of Development, Twins Trust