Let’s Talk!

14 + 7 =

Let’s talk about how I can help you or your charity.

Simply drop me a few lines about how I can help and I’ll be in touch soon, usually within 2 working days.

Ready to get started? 

If you’re keen to crack on, you can book an initial online coaching session here or an online Nonprofit Power Hour here.


Where do you work?

I live in Hadleigh, an ancient market town in Suffolk, not far from the A12 and A14 and a short drive to Manningtree, which is just an hour from London Liverpool Street.  Most of my coaching takes place online, but if you fancy a trip to rural Suffolk we can talk in person.  My workshops and facilitation take me all over the UK – and sometimes beyond.  Athens is the current record (1465 miles).

Can I pick your brain?

I get lots of invitations to have my brain picked (ouch!) or jump on a call.  With the best will in the world, I don’t have time to accept them all a I prioritise my working time for clients and my free time for making 80s playlists and watching reruns of Police Interceptors.  If you want to pick my brain, I offer a low-cost online consultancy session you can book here.

Do you do keynotes or talks?

Yes, I talk about charities and the issues I write about here and on LinkedIn.  People say my talks are engaging, inspiring, even funny!  To enquire about me speaking at your event,  drop me a message with details or complete the enquiry form here.

Do you do sponsored posts or links?

With over 28,000 connections on LinkedIn, I’m often asked about sponsored posts.  As much as I love the idea of being sent a lifetime’s supply of biscuits and posting pics of myself eating them in exotic locations, I love authenticity more.

Can you tell charities about our product/service?

No, charities have got enough on their plate without me introducing them to people who want to sell them stuff, however great your stuff might be!  If you want my opinion of your product or advice about selling to charities, book a Nonprofit Power Hour here.

Can I invite you to tender?

No.  I’m not a big fan of most things that involve ticking boxes, except Bingo.  I prefer to build real relationships with new clients where we talk openly and honestly and get a sense of whether we’d enjoy working together and whether I’m the right person to help you.